Sunday, April 29, 2012


Please excuse all the "I wants" that are present in this post.  It is just me, trying to get everything out in the most direct way I can think of.  Seriously though, it is sort of a pet peeve to hear people talk about themselves non stop, so even writing this entry makes be a bit uncomfortable. A level of interaction is necessary, conversation has to be balanced.  So why don't you tell me about your day? Anything new going on in your life? 
Thats better, I guess...
Anyway, have you ever had that longing for something, and I don't mean the occasional chocolate bar.  I mean a hunger for something beyond words.  I want excitement in my life.  To live for adventure.  When I am old, it'd be nice to look back and think damn, my life fucking rocked.  The problem is, I don't know how to get started.  Maybe I'm a bad planner.  So my new years resolution, you know, starting in May is to step my game up.  My young age and lack of money is no longer an issue.  Nothing will keep me from living on the edge.  That said, I still have no idea how to get started, but I've got enough restlessness to keep my motivation up.  I'll keep you updated on how it works out.... the bucket list starts now!

Hello World

Well, this is my first blog.  I know most people won't actually get to see much of this, but I really need to do something remotely worth my time.  Something that, though done by so many others, will help me say and show things I believe to be really worthwhile.  Unlike Facebook, where my statuses only go up to get some cute guy's attention or to receive as many "likes" as possible.  And its not twitter, which I still don't understand and certainly do not think I'm witty enough for.  The point is, it’s a bit more expressive than anything else I could think of.  Therefore, its a step up and foreword.